Disclaimer: This tutorial was created by Daniel Lakeland

It is part of his series on Julia Data Tutorials


Visualizing Spatial Data with GMT

GMT is the "Generic Mapping Tools" a powerful toolset for geospatial visualizations. With great power comes great learning curves. The goal here is to make it possible for someone who has a data analysis background but not much specific knowledge of geospatial software to make maps that show their data in 2D maps, and simultaneously to learn something about the framework and what it is capable of, and how to use it.

Problem 1: a Choropleth map of US Census Data

One of the most common tasks in basic geospatial data analysis is to create a map in which regions of the world are colored based on the value of some statistic pertaining to the region. We will start with a very simple map of population for each county in the US. The data for this can be found from the Census bureau at https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/popest/datasets/2010-2020/counties/totals/co-est2020-alldata.csv

using CSV,DataFrames,GMT,Printf,DataFramesMeta

countypopurl = "https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/popest/datasets/2010-2020/counties/totals/co-est2020-alldata.csv"


cpopall = CSV.read("data/countypops.csv",DataFrame)


3,194 rows × 5 columns

211AlabamaAutauga County56145
313AlabamaBaldwin County229287
415AlabamaBarbour County24589
517AlabamaBibb County22136
619AlabamaBlount County57879
7111AlabamaBullock County9976
8113AlabamaButler County19504
9115AlabamaCalhoun County113469
10117AlabamaChambers County32865
11119AlabamaCherokee County26294
12121AlabamaChilton County44397
13123AlabamaChoctaw County12418
14125AlabamaClarke County23291
15127AlabamaClay County13112
16129AlabamaCleburne County14967
17131AlabamaCoffee County53230
18133AlabamaColbert County55411
19135AlabamaConecuh County11851
20137AlabamaCoosa County10650
21139AlabamaCovington County36930
22141AlabamaCrenshaw County13681
23143AlabamaCullman County84515
24145AlabamaDale County48959

Now we have a large number of different estimates for each county in the US. For simplicity let's use the POPESTIMATE2020 variable. The COUNTY variable is the FIPS county code for the county.

In order to build a Choropleth map, we will need to have a file that defines the spatial boundaries of each county! GMT is a generic mapping tool It will read various geospatial data formats which can be used to define the regions to be plotted. The Census bureau has a file which defines the boundaries of the counties at 3 different resolutions. These are in "shapefile" format. The files and other related shapefiles are available at the Census website. We will use the medium resolution version of the county shapefiles (5 million meter resolution).

countyshapeurl = "https://www2.census.gov/geo/tiger/GENZ2018/shp/cb_2018_us_county_5m.zip"

run(`unzip cb_2018_us_county_5m.zip`)

Inside the zip file are a number of files, the one ending in ".shp" is in the shape file format. We can read this using GMT's function gmtread

counties = gmtread("data/cb_2018_us_county_5m.shp")
This file has islands (holes in polygons).
	Use `gmtread(..., no_islands=true)` to ignore them.
Vector{GMTdataset} with 3571 segments
PROJ: +proj=longlat +datum=NAD83 +no_defs
        SPHEROID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257222101]],
Header1:	39,071,01074048,0500000US39071,39071,Highland,06,1432479992,121949
Header2:	06,003,01675840,0500000US06003,06003,Alpine,06,1912292630,12557304
Header3:	12,033,00295737,0500000US12033,12033,Escambia,06,1701544502,563927
Header4:	17,101,00424252,0500000US17101,17101,Lawrence,06,963936864,5077783
Header5:	28,153,00695797,0500000US28153,28153,Wayne,06,2099745573,7255476
Header6:	28,141,00695791,0500000US28141,28141,Tishomingo,06,1098938845,5236
Header7:	30,089,01719578,0500000US30089,30089,Sanders,06,7149405165,7639414
Header8:	36,001,00974099,0500000US36001,36001,Albany,06,1354120790,27124553
Header9:	42,105,01213684,0500000US42105,42105,Potter,06,2800612694,559778
Header10:	29,077,00758493,0500000US29077,29077,Greene,06,1749081115,6620035
Header3563:	22,007,00558414,0500000US22007,22007,Assumption,15,877029986,67
Header3564:	39,161,01074092,0500000US39161,39161,Van Wert,06,1059702141,327
Header3565:	54,019,01560095,0500000US54019,54019,Fayette,06,1713569368,1744
Header3566:	08,009,00198120,0500000US08009,08009,Baca,06,6617400546,6142193
Header3567:	42,055,01213670,0500000US42055,42055,Franklin,06,2000048804,154
Header3568:	12,001,00308548,0500000US12001,12001,Alachua,06,2266324954,2428
Header3569:	48,247,01383909,0500000US48247,48247,Jim Hogg,06,2942674729,925
Header3570:	29,099,00758504,0500000US29099,29099,Jefferson,06,1700345322,20
Header3571:	13,307,00352287,0500000US13307,13307,Webster,06,542230980,23481
First segment DATA
Attributes: Dict("LSAD" => "06", "COUNTYFP" => "071", "GEOID" => "39071", "
COUNTYNS" => "01074048", "AWATER" => "12194983", "ALAND" => "1432479992", "
AFFGEOID" => "0500000US39071", "STATEFP" => "39", "NAME" => "Highland")
Global BoundingBox:    [-179.14733999999999, 179.77847, -14.552548999999999
, 71.352561, 0.0, 0.0]
First seg BoundingBox: [-83.872214, -83.343479, 39.01889, 39.37873599999999
25×2 Matrix{Float64}:
 -83.8698  39.0555
 -83.8657  39.2473
 -83.8344  39.2457
 -83.8359  39.2233
 -83.8139  39.223
 -83.8013  39.2316
 -83.7848  39.2629
 -83.5909  39.3787
 -83.3727  39.3774
 -83.3751  39.3478
 -83.3435  39.2332
 -83.3535  39.1976
 -83.3856  39.0552
 -83.6116  39.0189
 -83.673   39.0204
 -83.7053  39.0214
 -83.8169  39.0202
 -83.8722  39.0213
 -83.8698  39.0555

Now, what kind of thing is "counties?"

Vector{GMTdataset} (alias for Array{GMTdataset, 1})

It's a Vector{GMTdataset}. Basically GMT treats the shape file as a collection of shapes, each shape gets its own GMTdataset, which is a structure

search: GMTdataset

  No documentation found.


  mutable struct GMTdataset{T<:Real, N}


  data     :: Array{T<:Real, N}
  ds_bbox  :: Vector{Float64}
  bbox     :: Vector{Float64}
  attrib   :: Dict{String, String}
  colnames :: Vector{String}
  text     :: Vector{String}cpop.CFIPS = format("%03d",cpop.COUNTY)

  geom     :: Int64

  Supertype Hierarchy

  GMTdataset{T<:Real, N} <: AbstractArray{T<:Real, N} <: Any

In addition to "data" which is lattitude and longitude values in this case, there are a variety of metadata fields. one of which is "header".

Let's look at the header of the first county:

Dict{String, String} with 9 entries:
  "LSAD"     => "06"
  "COUNTYFP" => "071"
  "GEOID"    => "39071"
  "COUNTYNS" => "01074048"
  "AWATER"   => "12194983"
  "ALAND"    => "1432479992"
  "AFFGEOID" => "0500000US39071"
  "STATEFP"  => "39"
  "NAME"     => "Highland"

This shows that the header is a comma separated values string. We want to "join" our data to these counties such that the county FIPS identifier is the same. The FIPS identifier is a unique numerical code assigned to each county (the names are not necessarily unique).

In this case, we have the value 39 being the FIPS code for the state of Ohio, and 071 being the county FIPS code for Highland County.

So we'd like to join field 2 of the header to the COUNTY column of our population data. However our population data represents the COUNTY field as a number, not a 0 padded string. Let's fix that then do the join

cpop.COUNTY = Printf.format.(Ref(Printf.Format("%03d")),cpop.COUNTY)
cpop.STATE = Printf.format.(Ref(Printf.Format("%02d")),cpop.STATE)

cpop = cpop[cpop.COUNTY .!= "000",:] ## eliminate county "000" which is "the whole state" for each state

dfc = DataFrame(STATE = map(x->x.attrib["STATEFP"],counties),COUNTY=map(x -> x.attrib["COUNTYFP"],counties),ORDER=1:length(counties))

joineddata = @chain leftjoin(dfc,cpop,on= [:STATE,:COUNTY],makeunique=true) begin

cptvallog = makecpt(range=(log(1000),log(11e6)),C=:plasma)

GMT.GMTcpt([0.050980392156862744 0.03137254901960784 0.5294117647058824; 0.
06274509803921569 0.027450980392156862 0.5333333333333333; … ; 0.9411764705
882353 0.9686274509803922 0.1411764705882353; 0.9411764705882353 0.94117647
05882353 0.9411764705882353], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
 0.0  …  0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [6.907755278982
137 6.944233429145116; 6.944233429145116 6.980711579308096; … ; 16.14044953
0436687 16.17692768059967; 16.17692768059967 16.213405830762646], [6.907755
278982137, 16.213405830762646], [0.0 0.0 0.0; 1.0 1.0 1.0; 0.50196078431372
55 0.5019607843137255 0.5019607843137255], 24, NaN, [0.050980392156862744 0
.03137254901960784 … 0.027450980392156862 0.5333333333333333; 0.06274509803
921569 0.027450980392156862 … 0.027450980392156862 0.5372549019607843; … ; 
0.9450980392156862 0.9607843137254902 … 0.9686274509803922 0.14117647058823
53; 0.9411764705882353 0.9686274509803922 … 0.9764705882352941 0.1294117647
0588237], ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""  …  "", "", "", "", "", "
", "", "", "", ""], ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""  …  "", "", "",
 "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], "rgb", String[])

There are missing values of POPESTIMATE2020 so let's replace them with NaN so we at least still get the polygon drawn. GMT will draw NaN as a special color.

joineddata.POPESTIMATE2020 = replace(joineddata.POPESTIMATE2020,missing => NaN)

GMT.plot(counties,level=log.(1.0 .+ joineddata.POPESTIMATE2020),cmap=cptvallog,close=true,fill="+z",pen=0.25,region=(-125,-65,24,50),
    proj=:guess,colorbar=true,figname="choroplethlog.png",title="Continental US County log(Population)")

Choropleth of log(population) at county level

Let's see what it looks like if we don't take the logarithm...

cptval = makecpt(range=(0,11_000_000),C=:plasma)

    proj=:guess,colorbar=true,figname="choroplethnolog.png",title="Continental US County Population")

Continental Population

It may be interesting to work further with the polygons that represent the counties in some additional ways. For example we could calculate the population Density by dividing the population by the area of the polygon. We can calculate the area using the function gmtspatial.

measures = gmtspatial(counties, area="k")[1] # to get area in km^2
GMTdataset{Float64, 2}BoundingBox:  [-179.10882508557128, 179.6234549210534
2, -14.542124124603314, 69.40079782409146, 0.0001071433475167924, 384291.37
3571×3 Matrix{Float64}:
  -83.6009  39.1847  1446.7
 -119.821   38.5971  1925.5
  -87.362   30.6678  1939.81
  -87.7269  38.7203   968.306
  -88.6959  31.6407  2107.22
  -88.2392  34.74    1151.02
 -115.13    47.6745  7235.18
  -73.9735  42.6001  1385.33
  -77.8956  41.7446  2803.22
  -93.3419  37.258   1756.51
  -91.0626  29.9009   944.669
  -84.5861  40.8556  1063.1
  -81.0811  38.0287  1732.05
 -102.56    37.3194  6624.41
  -77.7217  39.9272  2000.25
  -82.3582  29.6747  2509.54
  -98.6973  27.0433  2937.68
  -90.538   38.2606  1722.83
  -84.5497  32.0458   544.366

But some counties will consiste of several polygons, like some along the coast may include some islands, etc, to get the total area, we need to group by county identifier, and sum all the areas.

countyareas = @chain dfc begin
  @transform(:area = measures[:,3])
  @combine(:totarea = sum(:area))

cpop = @chain leftjoin(cpop,countyareas,on = [:STATE, :COUNTY]) begin
  @transform(:density = :POPESTIMATE2020 ./ :totarea)


joineddata = @chain leftjoin(dfc,cpop,on = [:STATE,:COUNTY]) begin 
10×7 DataFrame
 Row │ STATE   COUNTY  STNAME    CTYNAME          POPESTIMATE2020  totarea 
     │ String  String  String31  String           Int64            Float64?
   1 │ 01      001     Alabama   Autauga County             56145   1560.78
   2 │ 01      003     Alabama   Baldwin County            229287   4352.7 
   3 │ 01      005     Alabama   Barbour County             24589   2346.53
   4 │ 01      007     Alabama   Bibb County                22136   1622.71
   5 │ 01      009     Alabama   Blount County              57879   1686.26
   6 │ 01      011     Alabama   Bullock County              9976   1617.2 
   7 │ 01      013     Alabama   Butler County              19504   2014.3 
   8 │ 01      015     Alabama   Calhoun County            113469   1582.32
   9 │ 01      017     Alabama   Chambers County            32865   1563.07
  10 │ 01      019     Alabama   Cherokee County            26294   1554.12

3,571 rows × 8 columns (omitted printing of 1 columns)

1390711OhioHighland County433041446.7
2060032CaliforniaAlpine County11191925.5
3120333FloridaEscambia County3223641939.81
4171014IllinoisLawrence County15467968.306
5281535MississippiWayne County203172107.22
6281416MississippiTishomingo County192751151.02
7300897MontanaSanders County121577235.18
8360018New YorkAlbany County3036541385.33
9421059PennsylvaniaPotter County164532803.22
102907710MissouriGreene County2949971756.51
112920511MissouriShelby County59191298.11
120210012AlaskaHaines Borough26146272.01
130210013AlaskaHaines Borough26146272.01
140210014AlaskaHaines Borough26146272.01
150401515ArizonaMohave County21720634881.9
161314316GeorgiaHaralson County30383734.927
172114517KentuckyMcCracken County65644693.749
182713318MinnesotaRock County93011253.7
194104719OregonMarion County3492043089.11
204712520TennesseeMontgomery County2142511406.65
214824321TexasJeff Davis County22205858.32
225506122WisconsinKewaunee County20386891.309
230505123ArkansasGarland County997891902.12
240610924CaliforniaTuolumne County545155891.94
denscpt = makecpt(range=(0,11e6/(100*100)),C=:plasma)

    proj=:guess,colorbar=true,figname="choroplethdens.png",title="Continental US County Pop Density (1/km^2)")

Continental US Density

Smallest Area Containing ~50% of the population

Our approach to this question will be to sort the counties by density in decreasing order, cumsum the populations... and then create an indicator variable for whether the cumsum is less than 50% of the total, then plot this indicator variable.

totpop = sum(cpop[cpop.COUNTY .!= "000",:POPESTIMATE2020]) ## ignore county 0, that's the "whole state"

areads = @chain cpop begin
@subset(:COUNTY .!= "000")
@transform( :csum = cumsum(:POPESTIMATE2020))
@transform( :inset = :csum .< totpop/2.0,:in80set = :csum .< 0.8 * totpop)

joineddata = @chain leftjoin(dfc,areads,on=[:STATE,:COUNTY]) begin

insetcmap = makecpt(range(0,1),C=:plasma)

GMT.plot(counties,level=Float64.(replace(joineddata.inset,missing => NaN)),cmap=insetcmap,close=true,fill="+z",pen=0.25,region=(-125,-65,24,50),
    proj=:guess,colorbar=true,figname="choroplethhpdset.png",title="Continental US smallest 50% set ")

high probability density set 50%

80%tile smallest area

GMT.plot(counties,level=Float64.(replace(joineddata.in80set,missing => NaN)),cmap=insetcmap,close=true,fill="+z",pen=0.25,region=(-125,-65,24,50),
    proj=:guess,colorbar=true,figname="choroplethhpd80set.png",title="Continental US smallest 80% set ")

high probability density set 50%